Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

rn im out so im using store brand. no where near as good. but compared to brand name hot chocolate? fucking gods gift to earth. Brand name hot chocolate has this special property that makes it goop and pungent. It makes me gag. They all have this issue to a degree but the cheaper the better. The bags are basically clean. Incredibly easy to wash. The bags are also neat in that unlike most drinks i have (especially hot chocolate) to bring out the flavor and use less powder per cup I need caramel - almond, while pretty much anything else is helped by vanilla. But with caramel almond, getting just the right ratio, it is the greatest drink ever devised by man.
I have little skrrts. that’s what i call my bottles of extract. that’s also what I call spray bottles and fragrance. And some soaps. They’re exceptionally difficult to get as they arent produced in high quantities but they last ages and add SO much to a drink, especially my hot chocolates which expect how much how chocolate and then still taste of water if it’s a worse make. Now the bags they’re pretty good on their own but with a skrrt. Dear god. great drink.
I have to establish that the skrrts are one brand. There is one good brand of flavoring extract for hot drinks. The rest are ass. I have tried many and none have come even close. But the issue is this brand, while really fucking cheap, is never in stock. Someone must be hoarding it. Other than me. I have like 4 unopened in my cupboard rn. If I ever have absolutely none of any of them I think it’s over I need my skrrts. It is already bad times when I have none of my hot chocolate bags


I’ve been typing about hot chocolate for 10 minutes

im so proud

Motherfucker I am more transgender than you shut up


In retrospect I do not know what I meant by that


damn ok

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The demons took over for that one. They kinda real as fuck tho they speaking in tongues but I can tell they making some good ass points


Oh you’re referring to Delayed in the list of vanilla roles. If “later” isn’t literally used in a game, and is instantiated that’s fine. X-shot would be bad if you used it in that abstract form, but it’s instantiated as like 1-shot or 2-shot or whatever. Some hosts may not know that for Delayed, but I imagine that’s what Reviewers are for.

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“I can only target you if you are my enemy.”
But what if I don’t even know whether you are my ally or my enemy? Only the enemy knows who they can trust; we of the majority don’t have such privilege.

What exactly does “can only target X” mean? Would you fail if you attempt to target “not X”? If so, would you be informed if you were to fail because of this restriction? If so, then you are not whatever you thought you are; you are an investigator. Even worse: You are an alignment cop. One that could ruin the core aspect of social deduction if left unchecked.

If you are not informed of failing for not targeting X, then… to be honest, nothing bad happens. You would simply have to see how your target behaves, and rely on the functionality of your ability and the proficiency of your social reading skills to read your target; see whether your target was affected by your ability or not.

If you do not fail despite being told that you “can only target X”, then… there is actually nothing stopping you from targeting anyone.

Yep yep! Boy, would it be a fun sight if weird definitions of “later” were to be accepted in review because it wasn’t explained in the description. It probably won’t be allowed, but it’s still a funny thought! :laughing:

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@May I just used your 2022 most dedicated player post thank you for your service


this goes hard


lilith when she was warned yesterday by katze about calling arctic that slur

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look if i have to ban lilith i will but that doesnt mean they cant have commited a based on its way out


pronoun fail! mods, kill em

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pronoun police, arrest this man

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2 ways:

{Verb} target {qualified player}. (Verb implies some effect like “block” or “kill”.)

{Verb} target player. If the targeted player {meets criteria}, {effect}. (Verb does not imply an effect, merely a visit.)

In the first example, the player must know, either by nature of their alignment or through host-confirmed information, that the player meets the described qualification. A member of the Mafia knows who to target if you say they can target any player who is not a member of the Mafia (or they do not know to be a member of the Mafia to account for Lost Wolves). The host tells them they can’t submit it if they know the player doesn’t know their target qualifies.


Mafia Factional Kill
Kill target player that {is not, you do not know to be} a member of the Mafia.

In the second example, the player can target anyone they want, but the action only does a thing if the target happened to meet some criteria. If this role gives feedback, it can be used like a cop and this may or may not be what you want. It just has to be used with care.


Town Desperado
Brandish your gun at target player. If they are not a member of the Town, kill them[, and publicly reveal your alignment]. Otherwise, you die[, and the targeted player’s alignment is publicly revealed].




werent ur pronouns literally it/she like


god dammit