Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Guys I have to admit, I only made this post so I could get some badges… It wasn’t a geniune contribution to the community… the dopamine rush from new badges is just too much…


new badges

Me right now


We all know it’s about the rarest badges.

tutuu was referring to solipsism.

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the fact that enough other people thought of this, enough to invent a word for this tells me its probably not real

if i am the only mind that exists then probably there wouldnt be such a concept because i didnt think of it enough

and i doubt the simulation would go that far to pocket me thats just an overkill

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BTW for anyone with Game of Thrones knowledge. Arbor Gold is used to indicate deception.

I still can’t bear watching reruns of Game of Thrones, knowing how awful season 8 is.

Also, D&D did Littlefinger so dirty.

Maybe you’d prefer the book?

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Yes. Someone should tell GRR Martin to finish the books faster.

Roose Bolton was poisoned by his enemies. Don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise.

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your mind created the razor to begin with

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i watched a video yesterday of a girl recalling a story in an interview

she was ordering at a mcdonalds and had a backpack with jojo characters on it

a guy approached her and asked her about it. she responded, expecting a normal conversation

then the guy, in the middle of the busy mcdonalds, leaned backwards as far as he could, made a jojo pose and said “You thought I would ask you who your favorite JoJo is, but it was me, Dio!” and the girl said “Uhh yeah” and then she ran away leaving him standing like that

I wanted to die in a hole while watching that and typing this out now makes me wanna die again



(also molly accept my friend request on discord pls :point_right: :point_left: )

Personal headcanon is that the show adapted GRRM’s intended conclusion, so he’s now frantically rewriting things.

ive embarassed myself so much, not IRL but via text. there was this girl, we were 18, we were texting like friends, i had a huge crush on her, then one day out of nowhere i just blurted “i love you :heart: :heart: :heart:” which like…

gah :sob:

i mean the words can mean a lot. i say this to my friends all the time now but i mean it platonically when i say it i dont have actual feelings for anybody. but like at the time i just randomly confessed my feelings like that without speaking like that prior, to somebody who i knew for like a few months. god.

and then i embarassed myself later on more and more. oh lord. i dont wanna recall all the memories. i think… thinking was a bad idea today


This is a mood.

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i was going to but now it’s funnier to wait


the two ice creams in my hands that i had prepared for us are going to melt … you just wanna leave me standing there crying, tears falling down my face, melted ice cream falling down on the ground? plop plop plop?

is this even a question yes i want that

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