Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

lore accurate*

and yes my main in smash was Bayonetta

I have a friend who takes short instagram story videos of me which are kind of cringe

First time I asked them about it and they said they’re putting it on close friends or showing it to only a specific few people and it was fine because communal friends and stuff

All this time they did not put it on close friends only


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Not evil intentions or anything but uhhh yikes, good thing it wasn’t too cringe

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This is still a really good comment, thank you tutu

It makes me laugh way too hard

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I mean thats just kinda super rude imo, like u made a really simple request and they didnt honor it


They did tell me that they’re just going to send it to their close friends and first time I asked was like now alot of months ago

I will just refuse requests of winking at the camera next time

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Alot of undisclosed silviu200530 material of me “shooting at the camera” with my umbrella or just winking

its so good


nothing can describe how much i love that movie. its nothing but people talking and yet so absurdly compelling.

Marriage Story?

yah it goes so hard. at least for me because i really really love character-driven dramas and it’s that distilled down into an arguably perfect form


12 angry men is this for me too I really like that movie


but i like marriage story because its so real and its so ugly and the acting & writing is so good

I am really curious

I think its definitely worth checking out. It is very american in setting and concepts (new york vs. LA, american court systems etc.), and if you dont like movies where its just people talking it wouldnt be ur thing but its so my thing

I think the last time I watched any series was like with me and my BFF trying to check out a kimkardashian series from evil motives: insulting their dresses, insulting the drama

It was more entertaining to know facts about them than whatever they were doing

forgot to tell y’all, we had a tournament yesterday and we lost, but this tournament decides if we go to gulf shores or not


Marissa being a Noah Baumbach fan was not on my bingo card despite her adoration making perfect sense in hindsight.