Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

ok o ne more

this one is kind of troll

No I wish I could take all the credit but this evil is all from my little sister


the first one i tried was ‘furries’

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There was the recent one that started with “smash / that / like / button” and somebody in a server I’m in was like “I’m gonna submit it and if it’s not a connection istg”

That is the most obvious red herring of all time. Were they stupid?

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I’m proud of her :face_holding_back_tears:


theres so many things i can gramatically put each down for
the four a’s thing is kinda obvious but does the two i’s in each have something to do with it or am i just overthinking and then i cant tell

…im bad at it if you cant figure that out

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as a jake marshall truther this connections sucks

his name has two Ls. if you were a Throne of Lies player there would be way more to be mad about

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i don’t have good enough ideas to make a connections. so sad. no cure.

Nyaaaaaaaaaaaa good morning


but theres four with two o’s too so it cant be that so im just back at square 1

I’ll give you a second hint and tell you that it’s always going to be more “satisfying” a connection than counting letters - here’s a few old NYT Connections puzzle to give you the general types of categories it usually has


but all of those things are about definitions, not about wordplay

i lied

I phrased it poorly - I’m treating the usernames as their definitions. “Bionic” would mean the word bionic, rather than the user, and might go in a category with, like, “cybernetic”, for technology shit, or “aroma”, for “starting with an orientation”.

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fair warning: i did a nontrivial amount of research

I made a FoLers one that has to do with the users themselves rather htan their usernames (so e.g. “FAM host” would be a valid category)