Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Does this have to do with the people or their usernames


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i got it!!

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it only took me two attempts after the clarification!

I’m SO lost

…pressing copy results just brings up stars but maybe it might work

:star: :star: :star: :star:

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nope still stars
take my word on it

when i’m lost i just submit random things until i’m right, since this site has no guess cap


Yeah but I’m trying to get a good score

@tutuu who did this to u

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Who did it im gonna steal their forks

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tutuu did it to himself

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He took a bet with a fully informed host on the outcome of a mafia game IDK what the expected outcome here was

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yeah idk if this quiz is created for that. good luck!

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I roll insight to see if ur lying to me

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I personally did Not take any bets because I am Intelligent, and certainly not because nobody asked me

@discobot rolar 1d100

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:game_die: 62

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this was technically a DIFFERENT bet tutuu took about which team would win


@discobot roll 1d20