Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

have you tried sleeping longer

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omg its me :O

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does anyone have a woman repellent? everywhere i go they keep chasing me. i just wanna focus on my studies. but they want me so bad


Tell them you play Warcraft 3?


The best strategy when facing Undead in WC3 is to resign.

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Foundry v good, it’s what each of the DnD/Pathfinder campaigns I’m in uses

(My uncle pays for the hosting iirc, and we just rotate which campaign is active)

Botf isn’t real

I am interested because I have nothing active currently

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(Also my brain is telling me to say that async play sucking is a skill issue. This is somewhat inspired by the fact that the first forum I joined had a subforum for roleplaying and a subforum for different games, and one of the common game types when it was active was action and response games. Which were basically just roleplaying with a bit more crunch that roleplay subforum stuff. Kind of ttrpg like but not entirely because most of them didn’t really have resolution mechanics, mostly because the people running them just simply narrated how the world and npcs reacted to you doing the thing as fairly and realistically as they were able to?
Feels hard to explain. Most fizzled, but there were a few that had stood the test of time and ran to full completion of the intended story. As with any serialized work.

I miss Battleon Forums sometimes :pensive:)

What? In what way has the game been ruined

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I feel attacked.


Oh hey cookie thread is back now I forgot

seems neat, I think I attempted to use that bot but it didn’t work and then the campaign died anyway

Like I guess if you live and play only in the server that be not named. But otherwise the simple ones like whats the market value on X item are really nice. Think anyone who uses the scripts that choreograph fights are dumb, but like at that point they are taking the game away from themselves more than anything

Even if he is on that server, just stay out of the Quicksand. That’s not Dalamud’s fault either. I was there when party finder was full of catboys looking for men to spend time with back in Realm Reborn.


Never go into Quicksand.

What about slowsand?

I used Dalamud for quick launcher, QoL mods, and graphics enhancement mods. I never used a raid assist one since it felt like cheating. I do use ACT for combat logs for my own understanding of my efficiency (this is how I learned I’m trash and Jenna is cracked).

We were goofing around waiting for everyone in our static to show up on time, and I got on top of an FC house and she couldn’t figure out how so she equipped her wedding ring to teleport to me. She forgot to switch the ring back, and it took her like 3 attempts to figure it out. She was still top DPS every single attempt and it wasn’t even close. She’s so sick with it. The girl is Machinist lifer for some reason now, and she was still competitive while it was one of the worst DPS jobs in the game. She does all this while jumping and moving around constantly because she’s still not pressing enough buttons fast enough.


@Arctic take him back



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