Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Mfw Windows only.

New Mahjong Soul character just dropped

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isn’t that like adding skins to chess???

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Not everyone who calls Jesus their Lord will enter the Kingdom of God. “Love your neighbor as yourself” is in Leviticus 19.

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What a block of text

Or as in the sermon of the Mount, see Matthew 7:21-7:23

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White night (hsr) on calculators

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U are a dummy

Why are you a sephora bag

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He’s trash

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:flushed: i like that u called me that



thank you

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Yaggababble is one of the best demons in BOTC.

Elijah the prophet shall arrive for a 3rd time, and that will herald Daniel’s 70th Week of years has commenced.

Hippie… is a real role.
*looks at CRich’s challenge at Breadbox*

Alright. Let’s do this.

One down… Twenty-five to go…!
(Twenty-six if baker agrees to remove their setup.)