Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

That doesn’t match with “love your neighbor as yourself”.

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they’re already past day 45?


fuck how


Yeah, she’s hit it before and reset

slight chance this is related to having two whitenights in her facility

im ngl kyo a lot more than 44.7 percent of scots are uncivilized

it’s kinda their whole schtick


First thought after looking at the size of the post: “Mucho texto.”

After reading first paragraph: “I’m happy for you, or sorry that it happened. I didn’t read the rest.” (Lie)

After reading second paragraph: I thoroughly understand the message you wish to convey, but I don’t understand why a post of mine got quoted for this. On a side note, as far as programming goes, LAR should be easier to automate than NAR, under the assumption that all roles’ abilities can be categorized. NAR should also be relatively easy to implement. The only things to worry about in NAR IMO are manipulation abilities like roleblocks, redirects, and weird stuff like bus drive and hiders.

After reading the first sentence of the third paragraph: “Is that a challenge!?”

While reading the fourth paragraph: I feel like… none of this is properly entering my brain anymore. Like, I only need the rough sketch to understand the message, so me spending time to read the minute details is -no offense- akin to watching paint dry.

After reading the second sentence of the fifth paragraph: *looks at Delayed Day Vigilantes that I have used in the past* …I feel offended somehow.

After reading the second sentence of the sixth paragraph (i.e., the second half of the paragraph): Y’know, this would’ve been a nice consideration to have when I was designing Paradox Hazard. …I wonder if I can make a sequel out of it with your levels of details? :thinking:

I don’t remember why I was responding to your post when I wrote this either atp. Probably something that you said ended up prompting the larger ramble lol

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bit bkotd

or whuge

Priest in some visual novel game “What’s a train?”

How else to explain why the Romans looked at Scotland and went “Nah not going there”?


Gosh I love it when “Christians” don’t follow the word of Jesus Christ

(John 8:1 if you want to see what I mean)

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Cookie also why did i saw tutuu with a sephora bag pfp

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this is copyrighted

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No fucking way

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