Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


May why are 30.8% of your poll answerers wrong


100% of the pollersa re wrong since the inconsistent is 0%

That’s actually a lot of work


dissapointed that arete hasn’t followed geyfrog


its def not inconsistent, it just means moving it from 6pm to 5pm

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ok but 30% of people use it the other way so its inconsitent

is there. a warning of the label

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my parents always just put them in a different box and told me to use them to clean my ears

The person I was scheduling a Splatoon match used it to mean 7PM and I was like “huh that feels unintuitive to me but I don’t actually know which way it usually oges”. So add one to the “wrong” side

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I am proud to be in the 30.8

More mouse bites


Yeah you really should not put cotton swabs in your ear canal or absolutely not very deep at all if you do. Ear wax is also important for the health of your ear so you probably don’t really need to be cleaning it regularly anyway. If you remove wax too much, your body is just going to increase production to compensate leaving you in a vicious cycle where you have to keep doing the bad thing to not have overly waxy ears (which can affect hearing).


yeah i generate copius amounts of wearwax so :skull:

that. might be why

I have heard this but like whats the alternative

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“push it back an hour” means “move it to 7 PM” and “ahead” is the opposite of “back.” since English is a very intuitive language “push it ahead” therefore means 5 PM

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