Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Gen shin…

Who has the cutest meow

  • Litten
  • Magnus

0 voters


Wait hold on


Cutest Meow
  • Magnus
  • Litten

0 voters

That didn’t work


Cutest Meow
  • Magnus
  • Litten

0 voters

Why is this so hard

The hell are you trying to do

  • Magnus
  • Litten

0 voters

Cutest Mekw

Show who voted + single vote

I did it


and theyre wrong for that bc coke sucks but pepsi rules

I do understand the point you’re going for but in the phrase “push it ahead an hour” there is a clear thing you’re pushing (The meeting or whatever it is) but there has to be a way youre pushing it. If you’re changing the time that means you’re pushing it ahead an hour in time so grammatically that would mean it would be pushing it forward to 5pm (because you are pushing it ahead in time). Obviously yeah, lagnuage is just the shared perception of how everyone chooses to use and understand it and is subjective to each person and yadda yadda. I didn’t actually mean like “those people are wrong” bc its language you can never be “wrong” as long as you and one other person understand something the way you use it, me saying it was wrong was just bc its fun to act like you have a declartive voice on something as complex as language, like I used earlier with coke n pepsi (i didnt plan to use that as like an example I just wrote that and then started writing this and noticed that). I wanna see a similar poll for that question however but without the given options, as I feel that seeing the word “push ahead” and 6pm causes people to click on 7pm when they may more commonly view it the other way if not given an option, and also bc peopple may even view it another way (or would normally ask questions).

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So many conversations come back to “all predicates are vague actually” and require understanding the shared discursive context (discourse community?) it was made in to reliably interpret.

Really unlikely anyone in the actual conversation was confused, but once you remove from it, it just becomes way, way more vague.

I think Chloe identified the major source of confusion which is “push” can be interpreted as implying later, and “ahead” can be interpreted as implying earlier and it just depends on how much weight a contextless reader places on either word what their interpretation is. Kind of like the blue/black vs white/gold dress thing where your interpretation revealed more about your default light color correction bias than it did about your ability to see objective reality. (Side note: “objective” is also ultimately “subjective” because you can never entirely remove subjective interpretation!)

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“Ahead” can mean “later”. “The day ahead” means “later, after this moment”

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Okay, so I somehow got Crusader Kings, but how the heck do I get France!?

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Naw coke = any soft drink except coke

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