Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

CK3 is such a good game its epic

The governor is part of the everything fucking sucks


Skipping circus. What’s next?
“Danganronpa…” FML, that’s too broad.

i mean i wont lie him bussing immigrants from the border to obama’s home was like 200% florida man moment

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shit is comical af

I’ll be real here: IDK how the heck I managed to build one based only on two roles. Surely I can’t do it again? After all, this time I only got single words to work with, such as “France”, “Circus”, and “Danganronpa”.

*looks at Osie’s Happy Day and Brak’s Clown Carnival*
The latter is something I’m reviewing, so I ain’t touching that. As for the former… none of the roles in it are useful. Everything either kills or doesn’t; There’s no way FoL’ers would like that.

Mind funding my firefly LC funds

I cannot

This isn’t a setup. Someone else can do this. (Well. I guess I can still make it, but… it’s more tedious to make a setup within a week after everyone signs up than it is to design a game traditionally in advance.)

…wait a minute. I can make setups in hours. I can totally do this!
(But also: we wouldn’t like it, because we would have to adhere to the players’ wishes.)
Man. I sure am evil, aren’t I?
(Nah. Mildly annoying at worst. Some people may not be able to accept our character, but hey: It’s not as if we have to be liked by everyone anyway.)

if wazza dies are we allowed to charge zone with manslaughter


Okay folks, what do y’all got? Give me some professions to work with.

No, because I wouldn’t be her murderer: She is.
(She’s the one who made the bet, but technically speaking she never has to follow it.)

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if he isnt laughing then id be kinda disappointed

Hm… I wonder if I can make a setup based on bets.
(IYAM, it’s easier to make a role first.)
Drunk… That’s a negative utility, so it’s a gate, but what’s the role?
(IDK. What’s Wazza known for?)
We can probably check FAM Roles for that.

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the obvious solution is to implement botc drunk

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I don’t play BotC.

Botc isn’t real

Can’t find any in FAM4, and had to search in FAM3.
(Apparently we threatened a modkill and lost post-game.)
…yeah, I remember nothing about that game, so I frankly don’t care.
So anyhow: Wazza. “Unsubtle Doctor”
Yeah, I got nothing either. The “Unsubtle” is already a gate in itself; there’s no need to add the gate of making bets.
(What about that one game where you wanted to make the most vague game?)
Lost interest and dumped it to the trash bin.
(Maybe try recycling?)
Eh… Maybe.

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Aw this is cute though

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