Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

point is there is always a target market

I’m glad that I was able to quickly recognize this as what it was without any knowledge of Celeste and only a passing familiarity with Radiohead

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I made “something”. Still not proud of it though.

cookei thread

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thread wit hcookies

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in the chat

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Silviu is graduating high school / college (i still dont get it and he uses a romanian word expecting everyone to understand) thats why hes MIA. Hes fine otherwise


butter dog
dog wit the butter

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there is simply not enough radiohead siivagunner
its mostly creep and no surprises
there is, however, this

which is fascinating. to my knowledge there are no in rainbows rips but they have a wolf at the door


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How much sleep did you get

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Your silence on the matter is deafening…


DONE! Whatever comes out of it, I will let the reviewer decide. It ain’t my (present) problem anymore. I’ll just move on with the next one on the list and forget all about this one.

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Why is there another Danganronpa!?
EDIT: And the next one is another Upick!?

A game that focuses on the fact that you all are murderous maniacs and feeds you bloodlust. Cheaper than therapy!

…so basically “all-Killers”? FML.

that’s a misc i’m pretty sure

Does that change the fact that I’m going to make a FM setup out of it? No.

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FFFine! I’ll do one Upick! This is the stupidest shot Wazza will ever get. (Heck, they don’t have to drink for this one IYAM.)

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