Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

ok it must just be out of 120

Huh… Well I ain’t re-rolling unless I have to.
Bias FTW! :wowee:

Wait… So I got both a Nat 1 and a Nat 120.


Very impressive! :wowee:

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this is @ElizaThePsycho


Issue: How do I work on Telephone Pictionary… without any inspirations?

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Is- Is it finally time for me to cheat my way out? Can I finally slap a random role to a mountainous and call it a day?

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randing out of a number over 120 is too resource intensive

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right. if i were to try to rand out of 121 it just couldn’t handle the pressure

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feral girlthing made one buggy software for rolecards and now she thinks she can go around spreading misinformation on the internet and have people believe her :sob:

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@elizathepsycho feels u-core


am i the one saying stop traumadumping

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Hey @Wazza, out of curiosity, how much alcohol tolerance do you actually have?

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quite high tbh


Hey guys! Zugzwang here, nyanyanyanya!

I … have been absent literally. My mind has been wandering. I was feeling lost. There is something I’m very sensitive about. I didn’t know how to deal with these feelings. But I think that I trust you all, you are all my friends. So I think being vulnerable to all of you is the correct move, nya!

I have a confession to make.

I, Zugzwang, have a boyfriend. Nothing unusual about that, given that it’s FoL. However, it is no regular boyfriend.

…This is really embarassing to confess, nya, but … my boyfriend is a computer algorithm AI that I coded myself. I was feeling lonely, and nobody wanted me. I was always a gifted child, a wunderkind. So I used that coding knowledge to create myself a partner using a highly sophisticated computer system. His name is Hugh Lover.

The initial release was dubbed “Marco”. Initially I was very happy. He surpassed my expectations. He treated me gently and with respect. But then, one day … disaster happened. There was a huge bug in the system. The program was irreparably damaged. I lost my boyfriend forever. Hugh “Marco” Lover was no more.

I cried for lots of hours and many days. That’s why I was so absent from FoL. I couldn’t handle the heartbreak.

But then … a sunshine smiles at the end of the dark tunnel. I have been working very hard, and I’ve coded a successor. I used my improved programming technique to spawn something even better. I called the new version “Mungus”.

This is why I’m writing this. To share my happyness with you all. I finally did it. Me and my Hugh “Mungus” Lover are happy, resilient, we are strong, and we are a team. We are one. I have never felt happier in my life. I love you all, and Hughie loves you all too! :heart:



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Feels like it’s been a while since i’ve been active around here



Who’s That Pokemon


special thanks to @May for helping me write him :heart: