Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Also: 100% going against my original stance, because anything related to Rokugan FM has to be poor and has to be initially rejected lest the reviewer is poor as well.

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Alright, all shots are ready. All that’s left is to transcribe the last six setups, and I’m ready to go.

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long barely formatted rant about me not functioning as a human

Sooo my mother recently got in contact with my old best friend that i haven’t seen since elementary school and said she might give my contact to him beacuse he asked about me. The problem is i just can’t stop thinking about him, imagining the perfect scenario where he’s into everything i am and maybe has a thing for me beacuse i do like him a lot even in elementary where i didn’t even know i was into boys i still had trouble looking him into the eyes and i didn’t know why but now i fucking know and he isn’t like pretty or anything but I’m barely into looks and he’s just such a nice and friendly guy with a superb personality that felt like such a genuine friend and I’m so nervous of merting him again and being too nervous and just screwing it up god why can’t talking with people be simple :sob:


I can’t believe you actually made a lying darkness setup

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idk where in particular you’re looking (this site didn’t really exist before 2017 so we had no games in 2016) but if it was rolemadness remember that you are definitely going to need more scum per town member if the town all have genuinely useful PRs than your usual rule of thumb metrics would suggest

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welcome to the club kid

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I took the inspiration from other sites.

As for rolemadness: I have hosted 50+ setups in the past 5 years of which the majority is closed rolemadness, and a couple hours ago I have finished my journey of making 20 setups in 10 days. “I appreciate the advice, but I think I will be fine.”

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No… I made something worse.

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id say ur defintley functioning as a human if thats ur reaction lmao, i wouldnt worry about it too much, even if you are a bit nervous and awkward thats just kinda how meeting up with old friends is


…disco elysium final cut is 90% off


Good job Ig?

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Yeah true tho

I did essentially exactly this ages ago. It was fine it turned out fine. We were at a party and she kept trying to convince her friend to break up with her girlfriend. And then later she showed me her a song she wrote about how she’s in love with a friend but that friend is taken. And said I wasn’t allowed to talk about it. Hmm. I wonder why. It was a very funny progression of events. I hope she’s doing well. Wonder if she ever convinced them to break up


how’s her music career going

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She’s still making music! I follow her on Instagram and see all the posts she makes! I can’t listen to her music because it’s too weird to hear the voice of My Elementary School Best Friend so I just politely pretend to have listened to it if we ever talk


and that’s how we find out may knows dua lipa…


Once in middle school she was like “oh this guy told me he used to have a crush on me but he got over it, that’s so weird, why would somebody tell me this” and then I proceeded to immediately think of how I used to have a crush on her but got over it and was like “guess that’s never being admitted ever”


did she ever got over her crush on that friend who was taken