Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

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does anyone know why my non-extended release tablets recommend that they aren’t chewed? (cetirizine hydrochloride)
I chew them anyway but you’re not really supposed to do that

i wouldn’t particularly be able to imagine a reason why
afaik one of the biggest reasons they’re a thing in the first place is because they can be broken/split apart unlike extended release ones

It’s bad for your teeth

Heh i just took zyrtec too

Im 99% sure it’s recommended that you don’t chew the tablet variety simply because they taste like shit

The “do not chew” isn’t an official medical warning it’s just a way of saying “these are the ones u don’t need to chew” :joy_cat:

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Is it? I’ve never heard that about cetirizine
Do you have a source

Btw @Daeron if you take it regularly and you ever stop, you absolutely should try to taper off

Going cold turkey on Zyrtec can give really bad withdrawal symptoms


this is indeed why i said the primary purpose of non extended release tablets are to be broken apart

there are a lot of medicines where stopping abruptly can have negative effects and some of them can be just as bad if you were to immediately jump back up to your regular dose on top of that

Tablets are hard plus sometimes the medicine gets in your teeth

Didn’t take Chloe for the pill popping type

pretty sure that usually only applies to extended release which you shouldn’t be chewing in the first place since breaking them apart can interfere with effectiveness

Oh i thought you meant the med itself is bad for your teeth

Yeah biting down on hard tablets prob isnt the best for your teefies lol

It depends ime
Some tablets are indeed hard but can be broken down very easily by your stomach



i get to pretend to be an expert because i take both (plus a surprisingly lengthy conversation regarding the topic with my doctor that one time)

Alcohol is also something you don’t ever want to quit abruptly. As you can get a serious case of death if you do so.

you can get a serious case of death off alcohol either way