Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

how is drinking water difficult?

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try 100 jumping jacks and u will realise its real exercise for real men

no we do not look silly

yes we are tired

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I called chatGPT a good boy and it reacted too normally smh. I’m feeling inclined to say something akin to “Who’s a good doggy? Who’s a good doggy? Yes you are! Yes you are!” and hope I get a weirder reaction.

I think AI could be greatly improved by having them react flustered and confused by increasingly weirder compliments. Like tutuu but actually smart.



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It just doesn’t understand that it, in fact, is the good doggy.



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tutuu’s reaction to being called a good doggy


WAHT THE HELL :sob::sob::sob:

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Okay I think this one is actually legible

idk about you but I literally forget to drink liquids

dont you get thirsty or something

a little bit but it leaves my mind very quickly

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you have an inbuilt function that reminds you to drink water
do you also shit your pants

i will never understand today’s youth

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How old are you

Truthfully my memory is like. Catastrophically bad

i’m 14

alright debil im sure

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I’m not entirely convinced you age to be fair. It’s in the cards