Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

the game helldivers is a reference to the job of the pope. he dives deep down in hell and kills demons with his holy desert eagles

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Doing il vaticano with the bishops.

somethings not right why do i have 7 pills left

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i take 2 a day

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do u take one in the morning and one at night? Bc id def forget one day and take two in the morning/night accidentally

two in the morning

realistically speaking i could really take them just about whenever so long as it’s daily but mornings is easier

cut one in half and then its like you have 8 pills again

unfortunately these are the ones i’m not allowed to break in half


for some reason

Well im out of ideas

i can break the ones that have no withdrawal symptoms (that i know of) but not the ones that will fuck me up if i even forget a day because of jumping back up to a full dose

it’s likely just an error from filling it. you got an extra pill or are missing one.

Get a refill after 3 days and throw the extra one away…?

Idk I’ve never had to deal with taking pills for more than a few days.

my boss’s assistant is more demanding than my boss is and when she came in this morning she was pissed because the store wasn’t clean enough. She called me and tore us a new one

Now the other night manager and i are at risk of being written up if it’s not up to par next week

And one of our workers has a broken arm so he’s kind of a liability for us

But it’s alright

Anxiety is the best fuel for my cardio, i feel like i could run 30 miles tonight

and meeting her expectations should be doable if we alter the positioning a bit. Namely, have me on grill, the other night manager on fryer, and the guy with the broken arm cleaning most of the shift.

If it doesn’t work then that means that my relationship with an older worker that keeps arguing with me is untenable; in that case i would accept the writeup but demand that he be transferred to another store

I’ve been at my store almost 4 years now, my boss been with the company 39 and her assistant 11 but they both have only been at my store around 9 months

I’ll post an update in a little over a week

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my brother please have the smallest bit of solidarity with your fellow laborers who are also faced with the unreasonable demands of a petty tyrant

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I’m trying but the second anything goes slightly off script he loses it and morale tanks

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Yeah, but based on what little I know, it sounds like a complete failure of leadership. It sounds like you’re working in a restaurant of some kind, and I’d hope it has a Michelin Star or 2 if you’re all under that much stress.

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You clearly don’t know much then . . . Managers at most fast food places are under immense pressure from their bosses

Managing sales, speed of service, customer satisfaction, inventory, and labor while keeping the health department off our backs is a constant struggle

It doesn’t help us that the city implemented new laws this year that make cutting hours when business tanks illegal