Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Research shows that across all sectors, unions don’t negatively affect productivity in the aggregate but they do lower profits (because more of that money goes into the hands of the people responsible for generating it). The productivity thing really depends, but unionization can often lead to increased productivity because they have stronger incentives to keep their job and help the business be successful. In the US, unionization increased productivity in construction and had no impact on manufacturing. And unions don’t prevent someone from being fired if they suck at their job. That’s just anti-union propaganda.

I don’t care about any of that.
Only the relationships i’ve forged over the years with my colleagues

if you had a union you could probably save a drowning child without being punished for being late to work


Besides it’s impossible that unionization would ever happen for us; it’s an utter fantasy

We’ve been around 103 years (oldest fast food chain) and every store is corporately owned

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You work at an A&W?

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white castle

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playing wandersong rn

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very based game

well. re-playing
i just got through the part where the guys who are definitely not allusions to communists overthrow the factory that is making everyone sad
(this is not a joke)

I need to play Wandersong at some point.

it is my favorite game of all time def play it

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should i play it on pc or switch

doesnt matter, probably
its not a very gameplay oriented game

however pc is probably easier

Is it free

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nah its like 10$
or maybe 20$ idr

very very good story tho

Then I’m gonna have to disappoint you

womp womp

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its not on sale for the steam summer thing either so womp womp

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