Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I could’ve gotten so many scholarships I just did not apply for

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I was also stupid. Don’t be stupid like me. I have to pay a lot of money now, you should take AS MUCH time as possible to apply for scholarships n grants n stuff.


yeah i just keep forgetting it feels like im still in 11th grade

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i should stop forgetting

my dad can probably help me with the whole “plan for financial aid” bit

spreadsheet go brrrrr

my parents are literally giving me 0 (zero) dollars to help with college, so I have to pay for all of it myself

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not what i meant but ssshhh

i still have to reap the rewards from their taxes though! and they make enough money and have enough money TO be helping me pay for college!

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though he probably can
i meant like. assembling options for scholarships

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Sooo guys, what happened in the last 5000 messages while I was gone



wait why arent they helping you this tends to be a priority for rich-enough-parents

Oh oh oh oh oh, try everythiiiiiing :deer: :musical_note:

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This music hits really different sometimes, I’m going to tell you that

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wazza singing about nazis at midnight hits different…

whats all the years of Supplex Libellus Valachorum

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i kind of assumed they would and then they were like “well we’re going to retire soon so this would be a bad financial decision for us”

and im like “but i wanna go to college”

and theyre like “we’ll help you buy a car when you get to your junior year”

and so now to go to college I have to pay like $20k a year :joy_cat: