Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


“Istoria Daciei transalpine” was published in 1781 to disprove that Romanians have been in Transylvania for a long time, or on the entire territory

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i also assumed they had a college fund of some kind set up, which like we weren’t always making a lot of money so I assumed it wouldn’t be huge but we also have been making more money recently so i expected to have Something

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more specifically, its about equal rights and land

remember that there was more then 1 sent!!

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Did you just wikipedia that up

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boo i misread Istoria Daciei transalpine as Supplex Libellus Valachorum

the problem is that college is like.
an escape
for me

but if i go to college in utah (:face_vomiting:) then it isnt
but going to college out of state is really really expensive

I misread your first word as “bro” and I got scared a little bit

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me waiting to discover that i am not a PSAT semifinalist

i havent been californiaized since youve left


Atlas I’d describe you as a bruh girl that doesn’t actually say bruh or bro


and what does that mean!!!

if youre really really worried about cost (and it doesnt matter for what you want your future career to be) you could always consider out-of-state community colleges

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On the opposite site, I am a hiiii girl

hiiiiiiiiiiii guys



i will already have an associates degree when i graduate community college does NOT help

I’d agree

Also 100% true extremely true

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ok actually i should google details for the. western student exchange

Am I hiiiiii or bruh

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