Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I could make them all “only if” options, but that might be leading… and you can only pick one…

if its the former, their suffering wouldn’t be known to anyone other then me (mostly), if its a celebrity, their suffering being widely known, which could make other people who liked their suffering happy.

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if you enjoy their suffering this will always be a yes, i think

Good point. I mostly wanted to provide an option for the people who are like “no if they’re just annoying, yes if they’re Morally Bad”, which I assume is a large contingent of people on tumblr dot com

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it turns out that wishing pain on people is more complex then just liking it because it gives positive endorphins

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Damn. And here I thought that. Actually I’m not going to finish that sentence

I’m so wise.

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It feels like a weird difference. Between me and other Tumblr dot com users. Where they are much more inclined to this than me. But it’s so hard to ask this question while both capturing the nuances of it and also not scaring people off if they think taking pleasure in others’ suffering is Wrong and Bad and so won’t adimt to it

i think if you had five poll options you could squeeze it all in?

I’ve got up to 12, I’m just worried about the poll being weird to answer

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If the answer is “multiple of these”

yes, in most situations
yes, if they only suffered a medium amount
yes, if they only suffered a mild amount
yes, if they are a celebrity or that other people would take great pleasure in their suffering

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you also need a nuance option

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which may has but atlas does not

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I could also narrow the scope of the poll and remove the case of celebrities/public figures because there’s so many confounding factors

Cause this is mostly about interpersonal stuff for me

prolly specify that in the poll

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I’m having trouble making this poll meaningufl I should probably just ask people

I’m not as pale as possible now I have some noticeable level of tan…

yes but “no” doesn’t distinguish between “no (I feel neutral about it)” and “no (I would be actively sad about it)”

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