Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

God damn I’m slow

.9 pieces placed per second

arctic wrote me a song you guys :blush:

yes but i’d feel bad about it

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My opponents are faster than me win or lose

tetra league. i’m not sure if it’s tetra because 6, because tetris, or because darktetras.

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They named the league after me

why isn’t it called may league then


They may have named hte league after Tetris,

you wouldn’t lie on the internet would you may

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No. Never

Imagine lying on the internet.

with pride month coming to a close i think it’s time we finally look on to the future that is july

happy wrath month everyone

i have successfully sustained myself via sweets for 24 hours

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Good thing I never rode that horse.

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Gosh I am on verge of crying with dissapointment. Before you panic, itțs not because I will fail, but because I couldțve done much better but I was horrible pressed against time and I donțt think I will rack in alot of points


It’s not game over for me, it’s just the stress was unbearable

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Okay I managed to calm down. It’s okay, 70-80 points out of 100 is actually what I need here and no biggies if it falls below the threshold, I just need to work really hard here right now for history.

Did I forget to mention that I passionately hate essays? I passionately hate nazi grammar correcteurs. Guess how much that doubles my hatred for it.

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