Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

@Arete does your apartament complex entrance door get automatically locked when it closes and does it close automatically? If so cool but if not pls lock ur flat door sis/bro (non-existent enby term). What if someone forgets to close/lock it? Arent you scared? Lots of crime in the big cities in the US

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yes/yes (although someone could prop it without that much difficulty)


I was a little scared when someone got shot like a block or two from where I live?


What made you stop being scared?

some time passed without anything more notably bad happening

plus it happened at like 2 AM and I’m not usually walking around the neighborhood at 2 AM

(plus I think people are ~relatively unlikely to randomly shoot me for no reason)


also just to be clear the person who was shot didn’t die or anything!! this is irrelevant to the danger level but just in case you were worried


Probably not but they might mug you. Although you dont go out late so maybe youd be safe. I hope so

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I care way more about getting shot than about getting mugged


Oh yeah just casually shot with a gun, no biggie, daily routine of the USA, no need to lock my door, jesus take the wheel :pray:

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I went outside for like 3 minutes and got 5 bug bites


If i ever move to the US id need to be somewhere that both isnt car centric and the crime rate is very low. Id be scared and unhappy otherwise. Id rather stay in bulgaria than move to a dangerous place and for the car centric part thats my personal failure of being an abominable driver its not that bad im sure for people who are good drivers. Some crazy people even enjoy driving

I think the north east miniature states are like that. Iirc i also saw on a map that theyre the least religious which is also a bonus

this is nowhere in the US im sorry for your loss

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The thing is it’s likely that if you’re the victim of some kind of violent crime, you’ll know the person who did it to you. If it’s a stranger, it’s exceedingly unlikely it’ll happen literally inside your home. If someone tries to rob you at gunpoint, you’re extraordinarily unlikely to actually be shot unless you fight back (and yeah, if someone is robbing you at gunpoint, the best thing to do is just give them what they want). I’m not saying you shouldn’t lock your front door (you should), but the scenario you’re worried about here is fiction.


Metropolian areas have public transport right? Im more so afraid of the suburbs. Theyyee the safest (right?) but its mandatory u have a car


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depends on the area

most metropolitan areas have some public transit but it might suck


The scariest thing, to my knowledge, that happened close to me was an (alleged) murder-suicide two houses away.

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I have friends in Chicago that don’t have a car and do just fine. You’re going to want a city though which will have a higher crime rate, but also you’re unlikely to be the victim of a violent crime.