Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Arete is unlikely to be shot at their home but it might get robbed / broken into. Regardless of whether or not theyre there. It doesnt help if the door is unlocked. Its their choice, im just saying for me thats risky

You mean I shouldn’t say “What are you gonna do? Shoot me? You don’t wanna be wanted for murder!” in a condescending and/or mocking tone?


yeah fwiw, I’m in Chicago and don’t have a car and it’s fine, although my understanding is that it varies a bit depending on where in the city you live

before that I lived in Saint Paul/Minneapolis (I personally lived in Saint Paul but my job was in Minneapolis and they share public transit system) and it kind of sucked, although I think part of that was that there were no bus stops within more than a half mile from my house, and if I’d lived right near a bus line it might’ve been okay (although still limiting)


Sure, it increases your risk, but it’s still extremely unlikely to matter.

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Chloe almost got carjacked at gun point

Princess Abigail had a carjack attempt with guns pointed at her

Wazza went to America and nearly got stabbed

Idk calculate whatever chances and data and risks you want but im not putting my ass in danger im chilling

WTF I didn’t know any of these!


meanwhile I’ve never been robbed/mugged/etc. in the United States (where I have spent most of my life), the one time I did have someone try to steal my stuff was in Europe (although I don’t think he actually intended to keep it, I think he was just being a dick)


In Poland? Makes sense, he probably wasnt too trans friendly

I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a violent crime… or I did and forgot about it :wowee:

The one thing I’ve witnessed is road rage.

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it was in Poland but I don’t think it was a trans thing, he was targeting other people too

uh basically what happened was that I was riding the trolley back to my hostel and looking at my phone, and this dude sits down across from me and grabs my phone

and without really thinking about it I grab the phone back from him (this was probably not a good idea but I wasn’t evaluating it on the level of good idea/bad idea)

and then he moved on to other people in the car, grabbing random shit from them, making fun of them for a bit (I think, my Polish comprehension isn’t very good), and then usually giving it back (which is why I think he wasn’t actually intending to steal my phone)

(he also, like, took a bite out of someone’s granola bar before giving it back, so possibly he would’ve fucked up my phone if I’d let him)


I wanna say a word coz i just watched S4E5 of The Boys earlier but i cant here

Ill settle on “Asshole lol”

I got off at the next stop even though it wasn’t my stop because at least I wouldn’t have to deal with him, and then the next trolley showed up like seven minutes later. this would never happen in most of America (you’re lucky if your trains come every 10 minutes)


One time some old-ish guy came up to me and tried to take a picture with me without my consent so I slapped the phone out of his hand and walked away.


The Boys is not a good representation of america’s crime rate because we don’t have superheroes who also commit crimes


Ive literally never been threatened in any violent way so like uhhh


I can fix that


You have a God Emperor running for president

i never said he was a superhero

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