Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

i mean yeah but like
i use it so often in random scenarios that you should’ve picked up it means nothing by now

or at least, i’d hoped

I think this has happened twice now where it genuinely sounds like you’re disappointed with something I’ve said and I have to play wild goose chase figuring out what I’ve said to upset you


if you hydra with me (probably next hydra game i think i might be hydraing with arctic this one) i can change it back

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Right but I can’t afford to play guessing games with whether I’ve upset somebody because if I incorrectly assume I haven’t then people will hate me

well ok

And you’re going to have to have this confusion and conversation with every new person you meet forever

im ngl it really sounds like you are upset with me

this is, for the record, just something I do

You don’t Have to stop saying it or anything htat’s not what I’m insisting I’m just, like, confused as to why you’ve chosen to do this given it produces infinite miscommunications

the one in signups on mu im a host for

wait if you’re sylveon is arctic gonna be like jolteon

I am confused primarily

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im ngl i dont know why either its just like
compulsory at this point

next one on mu
hydra with me

strangely the specific phrases seem to rotate

arctic hasnt confirmed that they can hydra yet so idk still a maybe

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And being autistic in such a way that people are constantly yelling at me for missing much subtler social signals, having somebody say something that indicates disappointment at me, not explain whether or not they’re actually disappointed when I ask, and then go “oh lol I meant nothing” by it when I like, break out of the conversation to ask for an actual response is gonna be disorienting and frustrating

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even though sometimes i feel like people hate me for it i just. can’t really seem to stop for some reason
maybe i just havent put in enough effort but “enough effort” is. yeah

If you cannot stop the phrases that’s fine but I think it would be helpful when avoiding communication errors to be more clear about it meaning nothing when somebody asks, given you were like intentionally cryptic with me when I first did


i do have a weird compulsion to. say things all the time
this makes no sense but