Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

i’ve heard good things about it

If you want any more advice lmk

I didn’t learn until, like, 11th grade summer.

Im throwing you into the sun

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I’m self taught when it comes to biking and uh
yeah I suck but I can do trail biking


this sounds like an insane thing to ask so i’m not explaining it

do you guys want to see more minis

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It’s okay I cant swim lol

ask me to bike on a street and I will murder you having to make swerves fucks me up

my issue is i cant balance, nor steer, nor control my speed. ive gotten better at balance but controling larger movements like pushes and pulls is uh. not good

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just dont drown???

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i never finished swimming lessons but i think i could

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Oh I thought that was the best part of swimming
I’ve been doing something wrong ig

regarding swimming
the floating part is easy but ask me to actually do strokes consistently well and my godawful motor skills will hate you


people who do water polo are cracked human beings

like genuinely the hardest sport

trans rights

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