Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


please dont

it’s so fucking funny how the best tools to use as a DM for DMing (encounter budgeting, encounter design, even monster statblocks) are all fanmade

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my brother in law does this stuff i dont know what any of it is but they look cool


isn’t warhammer as a hobby even worse than getting into mtg for wallet

but mini painting is like the only fun ive had with arts n crafts

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if you like the robots. keep in mind they are $90 for two. they’re smaller, less dynamic and posable, harder to put together, and more dependant on painting skill than even entry tier gunpla

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honestly this might’ve happened at some point but i hear so many questions that they all blend together


warhammer has a higher floor but lower ceiling than mtg

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ah yeah I could never
my brain is super frugal due to :sparkles: trauma :sparkles:

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ok maybe wont do the robots but the painting is still cool

is pandora rich
pandora can i have money


using fol members to jump tax brackets is my specialty

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of course
interesting manuever

pandora is good at theft finding ebay deals and having relatives that are rich


i mean with may im getting somewhere but i know for a fact if i marry someone from wealth for their money may would be down

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ive found my way in

a friend of a friend is a friend

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oh wow I just processed some shit I shouldn’t have processed