Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One



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Warhammer themed chess set?

actually i have an idea
a touhou / dark souls collection
there is no clear difference when one becomes the other

no that’s just a diorama using two chessboards and a puzzle box as terrain sorry

the connecting link is that they are ‘pieces of media that I held fast to when my brain was going full low tier god mode’

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here’s the rest of the miniatures that live on my bookshelf

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honestly all I know about warhammer is that it’s the media literacy universe

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id show off my things and trinkets but they hard doxx me in so many ways if you look too hard at them so ill save it for the house tour if any of yall are chill enough to invite over

this is a good thing to know abour warhammer becausw the company seems to forget it all the time

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so you’re doing better than them

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the latest faction added to the game (the purple guys i just showed off) are literally eugenics clone babies who are designed to fill roles in their society. their whole bit is that they have good tech and they’re the only faction left with true ai. they have sapient robots that arent treated as any different from the flesh guys. subtext: this is a culture that sees people as tools, objects designed for a purpose.

gamers complained that they weren’t dark enough because people could freely choose what rhey did witb their life


it’s tough to like d&d and simultaneously be forced to acknowledge that 5e is dogshit and wotc is dogshit and hasbro is dogshit

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Gamers (derogatory)


I will not rest until benguined knows a quiz bowl question because of mayisms

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but what if i want you to rest smile

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yooo! i need to get into warhammer theselook sick