Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I always want to do build projects but not being able to be in creative for them sucks

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We are bootleg mages. Get it right

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ok fair

If you’re dead set, i’d recommend Age of Sigmar over 40k for price point. 40k is the more popular game, which is why they feel like they can charge more for it. Age of Sigmar is also getting a new edition in like. right fucking now. so it’s the perfect time to jump in

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i like aos better tbh

i think i should elaborate on this
mtg’s floor for a starter deck is like $60-$80. you can go to wal mart and pick up a deck for that price and have fun with your friends. By contrast a tournament legal army for 40k is going to be something like $600-$700 on the moderately cheap side, which does not count the glue paint etc you need to put it together.
however, the most expensive warhammer models (that you can buy and play- technically there are several hundred/thousand dollar models that are also impossible to play in tournaments and so are basically just collection pieces) are something like $175 dollars. I think I own single pieces of cardboard that are more expensive than this.
it is normal for tournament decks of 75 pieces of cardboard to be worth more than tournament 40k armies with 75 plastic minis

one of those will probably last longer in the meta than the other and plastic models exist forever so when they’re bad you can shelf them until they’re good. whereas for mtg it’s normal for whatever is good to change every few weeks to months and then you’ll be lucky if it’s usable again

youbie no. noooooooooooooooooo you’re already into magic you can’t also be into warhammer it’s too much noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


the floor for warhammer has never been lower though, aos’ $145 dollar spearhead boxes will let you play full and complete games of age of sigmar that are supposedly the most fun thing the company has put out in fucking years


lego star wars next

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“For how can I have them trust me if I don’t trust them first?” (♡£,$,÷@@)
“…crazy bastard. I don’t know what she expected of us, but at the very least she didn’t expect you. Rejoice, bastard. You are useful.” (•/=÷,%/^)
“Will he… recover?” (¤!/)
“Probably. Core personas don’t falter that easily after all. Even if we do change, it won’t be to a point where we will notice it anyway.” (•/=÷,%/^)
“Hurry up and recover already, you fool.” (•/=÷,%/^)

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Lobocorp Fighting the Red Mist. Phase 2. She throws out her scythe vaguely in my agents’ direction. They’re in an elevator. I go “well it’s not gonna hit them probably, but let’s be safe, move them up two elevators”. I forget that the trajectory of the attack and the intermediate elevator perfectly intersect. My entire facility panics. I reset the day on reflex

thank god for that, i cant handle another [REDACTED] on the modteam (i dont even know what this means and this probably sounds offensive. clicks reply button)

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i saw this out of context and was about to ask who you mained because u have falcon main energy then i scrolled up further and saw it was about terraria and now im sad

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Just stick to dnd minis and learn how to maintain a 3d printer its cheeper in the long run :pensive:


story in two parts


i dont own a 3d printer tho :(

What? Do you live in the 2nd dimension?

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dont like, arts and crafts stores usually let u print off theirs

or just buy ur own nerd