Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I still hate them but I would not dare dream of an action free from consequences. Any action

I went out for like 3 minutes a day or two ago and got 5 mosquito bites it was nonsense


i like when my actions have no consequences

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How did you get through Lobocorp?

I only feel strongly about the species of mosquitoes that carry diseases (especially malaria), if people really value keeping other species of mosquitoes around I’m willing to accept a compromise here

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Species of malaria…


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Mark and Jay are soul linked to me

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I think eradicating malaria is still exceptionally good, I just dislike on principle when people claim that an action is free from negative consequences just because it is a net positive

i killed my problems by beating them to death with a rock and shooting them with guns

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true, mosiqutio companies would be really unhappy

Because if you declare “eradicating species ‘mosquito’ because of its bad is free from negative consequences, actions like ‘ecosystem disruption’ are not bad (because eradicating species ‘mosquito’ is overwhelmingly good)” that damages your ability to evaluate future cases with the same negative consequences like ‘ecosystem disruption’ but smaller positive benefits. If you say the weird of ‘ecosystem disruption’ = 0 you can more easily convince yourself that eradicating fish because one bit you once is fine

I’m incredibly pedantic and care a lot about thinking right and coming to your conclusions with correct reasoning I just don’t show it under normal circumstances. These are abnormal circumstances because gestures to my past posts

meanwhile I acknowledge that there are theoretically some harms but I encounter more of/am way more bothered by people claiming “this action theoretically has some harms therefore it’s Bad and we shouldn’t do it” about net-positive actions with tradeoffs


you’d love being a math major


may nya the science may,

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I’m bothered by both for sure but I tend to see people accounting for your one more than I see people accounting for mine so I end up more bothered by mine. Though I complain about yours all the time too. Different experiences

Fuckinds nerds bla bla bla bla

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Awesome typing it’s really good

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