Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Thank you! Your good lucks has helped me alot with the hungary section

Do you want me to help you withsomething?

Sorry, my geography final was today!

The funny thing that the country who invented it, does not use it since at least a century ago…


What did you talk about?

(woo! things totally make sense!)

  1. Subunits: Bukk Mountains, Panonia Camplands
  2. Rivers: Tisa, Danube
  3. Cities: Gyor, Pecs, Budapest
  4. Forgot

America is just too lazy to change for metric.

From what I heard, according to them, it would be too inconvinient for a few people. (Meanwhile the american pound is defined with the metric kilogramm in definition.)

laziness on everything but anti-random things is basically america in a nutshell

It’s mostly money issues, to be honest.

(Just imagine changing every yard long rule for a metre long one… now imagine this with every other system…)

For weight, you need to change scales.

For heat, you needto change thermometer.

And for volume to change you need to change the system for length in the first place.

It might result into a way bigger mess to change it at this point.

There’s just no political will to do so and that’s why we don’t. That and if we actually tried to change I’m sure it would get wrapped up in culture war bullshit.



the UN-AMERICAN metric system

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and the american imperial system

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Long live the empire


Unrelated to anything, but I found this

Did USA really tried to bomb florida to have a justification to invade Cuba

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I do like some things the Imperial system does better. Fahrenheit having 100 degrees be approximately the temperature of the human body makes a lot of sense to me and I like the granularity it provides. Its 0 degrees is based on something random but idk who gives a shit lol. Oooh Celsius is loosely based on water’s phase changes like who gives a shit. The meter is now defined by some arbitrary percentage of the speed of light. Anyway, I think there’s some elegance to 100 degrees being almost the hottest it ever gets weather wise and also dangerous to be outside in vs this being like in the 40s for Celsius.

Inches and feet are nice units just in terms of how big they are. Meter is too big, centimeter is too small, and decimeter is also way too big to be useful. I also vastly prefer the radix of 12 which is how inches divide feet. Yards aren’t used that much but are a good unit (similar to meter in size and meter is a good unit). Idk how the fuck they arrived at 5280 feet per mile, but the prime factorization of 5280 goes crazy: 2⁵ x 3 x 5 x 11. You can divide a mile evenly in half, thirds, quarters, fifths, sixths, tenths, 12ths, 15ths, 16ths, 20ths, 24ths, 30ths, 60ths, and a whole bunch more. A kilometer can be divided into 3rds without having a repeating digit after the decimal place because powers of 10 are just a shitty radix for a system of units. Hell, it’s a shitty radix to use for our number representation system too! 12 is just better and the smallest number that’s a better radix is 60 but that’s far too large to be practical (unless you’re ancient Babylon). Thank fuck for the Babylonians knowing that 12 and 60 are both excellent radices because that’s why units of time are either based on 60 (seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour), or 12 (2 × 12 hours in a day). It’s why we can divide units of time so nicely.

I will not defend our units of weight or volume. They’re pretty horrendous.


ok but consider
10 is easy to calculate

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I also think we should be using 12 for our number system, but we collectively lack the political will for that. People would say it’s because we have 10 fingers and toes so we have to keep 10! But we also have 12 finger segments on each hand and you can use your thumb to count to 12 on one hand, so I also have an arbitrary argument related to being about to count to it easily with your hands. And then the proposal would get voted down, and they’d kill me for daring to make them change to an objectively superior system that would collectively save us a ton of time because we could much more easily divide by 3 and 4.