Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

FAM Event Idea: The United States is moving to a base twelve system. However, we only have ten symbols for numbers. You have until the end of the first half of the day to submit two symbols, one for 10 and one for 11.
After that, all symbols will be posted, and players will have until the end of the day to choose which symbols they like. There is no limit on how many symbols a player can vote for.

Chance of Death: Somehow yes.


My symbols are “11” and “12”

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The Dozenal Society of America uses… nevermind Discourse isn’t letting me type them

They’re sometimes referred to as “dek” and “el” respectively. Hate the names, think the symbols are… fine I guess.


it was rejected because nobody would mourn florida


These kinda suck.

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yeah why is it just an upside down two and an upside down three

yeah im not a fan of these, but it’s all for fun so whatever

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10 should be a 0 with an X inside it and 11 should be []

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i think the 10 one is weird since we already use 0 with a line tyhrough it when talking about “not the letter o”

Aww man guys when it comes to the finals I don’t think I got the high enough average to get that scholarship. I am immensely dissapointed, I’ve ran some calculations.


I’ll see if it’s really true on monday, but yeah, yikes





Thanks ash, I literally put the wrong number on my geography finals and that’s worth 0.3 points. (Which looks a little, and yeah it is, but these little points can change my outcome here)

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I kind of flopped my literature exam, but I’m more okay with that because that final sucks cheeks. But I’m less okay with this because I could easily avoided this mistake for geography


I guess that’s life. In the end I can still get enrolled tax-free in the uni that I want.


do you know for sure what your score is yet?

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For geography is easy to calculate. But for literature and history it depends on how merciful the correcteurs are. There are some things I wrote in there that I am not certain about on the score.

I am REALLY close to that average, it’s a tight match

yea m

i mean

we could change if wanted to

or we could be lazy americans who are like ey we love miles

it doesn’t rly matter atp lmao it’s j like translating a language

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