Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

this could have no bearing on the existence GSA (but the admins might just shut it down out of fear of a lawsuit)

Put her out of her Missouri


the lgbtq+ office was allowed to remain open just under a different mission so idk tho


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Incorrect. You meant to say: splosh splosh

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no you don’t understand. megabyte isn’t 1024 kilobytes, it’s 1000. kilobyte is 1000 bytes. A mebibyte is 1024 kibibytes is 1024 bytes. They prefix was literally changed to ones based on SI names but strictly mean 1024. Using SI prefixes for units with a 1024 radix is done, but it is incorrect. People do it anyway and often which causes the confusion I’m talking about.


Good night

oh when did this happen

1999 when the IEC standard was set.

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why is it still commonly used today this is so annoying

it hopefully doesnt cause a lot of damage coz it only affects storage and transfer speed. but its still annoying

RAM always uses SI prefixes by convention even though they’re strictly using a 1024 radix (because of the way memory addressing works, it literally wouldn’t make sense for them to use any other radix). Disks more often use SI prefixes with the correct radix (1000), but not always. Networking is always in bits using the SI prefix using the correct radix (1000). I hate that I know all of this. I wish it came up less than it does.

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while we’re on weird metricization attempt in the united states there is one (1) interstate highway in the united states that uses meters and kilometers for its signposts. although they’re getting phased out i think


private manufacturers wouldnt wanna risk trying to break the convention because they will confuse customers. the only way this can be fixed is if the government or something mandates it. there made it mandatory for all usb sticks to match and for all chargers except the iphone to match too i think. or i think there’s just 2 types of non-iphone chargers in use at least here

i know the eu mandated matching chargers


i can charge my water pump with an old phone charger which is convenient. and my hair cutting machine
(water pump like, a thing u place on a tube of water. like a tap. for sipping)

Remember the old shitty fucking iphone port that was like an inch thick


my company sells packages with disk space in “gigabytes”. The sales team sets the values in a control panel that displays disk space in thousands of MB (implies megabytes/1000 kilobytes, actually is mebibytes/1024 kibibytes). So what unit is 1000 mebibytes? None. We’re technically lying to our customers in terms of how much space we’re giving them, but if you interpret it literally, we’re technically giving them more than what we’re advertising so I haven’t made a fuss about fixing it.


what :sob: