Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I should make it do rolecards

I love making things

Are you staying for a prolonged amount of time on a chair while sitting in front of a PC?



You need to stand up sometimes to combat that

Sorry I don’t do stand up comedy


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Are you sure that you are Jane? You barely were speaking in the first place! And you are here cracking puns?!

No I abducted him and I’m keeping him hostage in my basement but don’t tell anyone


does one need a dream
i dont care for much very strongly. i just do to do. This is partially why u never finish. anything


Happy marissa day

I spend too much time on the internet. I should reduce that. I dont have infinite free time like you toddlers

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Yes tutu go find your passions, they’re going to keep you engaged

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i agree you should replace the internet with things that are socially acceptable to enjoy that you hate. Like talking to people (people scary) or online dating (woman scary)


Hit on some hoes!


As long as it is within their boundaries of course

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i got distracted by how easy it is to be mean to you. The point is if you enjoy your time here its worth as much as enjoying your time elsewhere and do not feel pressured to do things that you hate because of societal norms




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she was real as fuck honestly

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The first time ever you’ve sent me a like on this account

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