Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

im not that surprised tbh


Angy bionic, wants to bite

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t’s not surprising cause bionic said this before


Yeah lol

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I think conceptually having a class like Rogue deal less damage in combat than other classes is fine because you can easily make a rogue at excels at so many things outside of combat (being The Face is super easy for example). The execution tends to fall a bit flat because 5E tends to be combat centric “out of the box”, and it starts to rely more on the DM ensuring there are challenges for the skill monkey to make Rogue a satisfying choice. I think poison or weapon coatings has always fuckin sucked in 5E so I like that they’re at least trying to address it, and as Youbie said, losing a d6 to do something to an enemy that makes it more likely another player succeeds can be a more than fair exchange with the right party compositions and in a favorable situation.


can i play dnd pls pls pls what would be my class and alignment

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everybody here would range from lawful good/neutral good to lawful neutral

classes would be a good idea to rank

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I think that’s fine conceptually but there’s players (like me) who will never pick an intentionally subpar class in damage for skills who would otherwise enjoy rogue


wizard does being useful outside of combat very well while still being competitive at damage in competition with sorc etc.


What if im evil? Evil arent necessarily evil theyre just like. Looking out for themselves. Like me

thats neutral

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Why arent i evil i like inflicting pain

theres a difference between liking violence and committing violence

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My class wizard coz my intellect is above agerage when compard to other folers

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nerdcord users pretending that they are all evil:


if somebody makes an updated tierlist maker more people would probably make them

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I have one. What would u give me if i shared it

I demand stuff. Not doing stuff for free. I know my worth

an updated one

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If i gave u a tierlist would u make a dnd class folers tierlist