Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

o i see


its joever… 3-3… top 32 still gets some payoff though maybe ill get a dollar or two :sob:


…congrats anyway
top 32 is better then. a lot of peopke who signed up
if you keep doing it you’ll just get better and better



oh btw if it’s still going

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I made my Flight Rising accent spreadsheet track how much money I’ve made and spent off of accents…

See these cells? The id, copies, and price ones. It looks like they say “#31962”, “10-print”, and “375g”, right? That’s the nice formatting. It’s the item number, how many copies I made, and how many gems it cost.

This would be really annoying to do most of the time, because that makes these cells strings instead of values… I’d have to cut “10-print” to “10” using regex (or just left(B5,len(B5-6)) but that has the risk of fucking up if I put a trailing space) every time I wanted to do any kind of math on these numbers.

But the cells don’t actually say 10-print. They say 10.

This is a custom number format which basically just says “when displaying the number in the cell, add -print to the end”. It’s the same thing as adding a comma, or making a number display as a date, or what have you. They’re just the numbers! I can do math on them without issue! It makes everything so much easier. I am the best at thinking of things

you can’t just POST THIS

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I have made 458,857 gems off of Flight Rising accents

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im dyinh

holy fuck thats so funny


My spradsheet is the beautiful women I tell he rnot to worry about


This is subtracting the 402,675g I spent on accent blueprints, total revenue is like 850kg

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If everybody bought the gems to buy my accents through the site, I Personally have made Flight Rising Dot Com $7670

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may if you get butch t cougar can i get thom yorke


Yeah sure

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What’s the math here? I’m both intrigued and confused.

im locking in

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I’m making custom skins for Flight Rising dragons. If you want to turn your art into a custom skin item you gotta buy a blueprint pack from the site, which basically just deletes the gems from the economy.1000g to make one copy of an accent, 1750g to make 5 copies, 2500g to make 10 copies.

I sell each copy of an accent for 500g (to a player, so those gems stay in circulation). So for a 10-print I spent 2.5kg to get 5kg. I basically exclusively do 10-prints because it’s way more efficient. The accents will sell with time anyway


Butch T Cougar was probably a bad chcoice given despite the name Butch T Cougar is not actually a butch cougar. So sad

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