Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Oh the USD ratio: the best gem package you can buy through the site is 11500g for $100

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goognight cookie thread

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The real question is “where the fuck did that 400kg GO”. I have one item that I’ve spent like 85kg total on. One that I got like 50kg. Probably like 50kg of miscellaneous expensive garbage. I’ve spent 100kg on skins for one dragon… maybe another 50 on other skins IDK. Once I donated 50kg to my flight’s bank. I give random people a lot of Flight Rising money so maybe like 50kg on that. That’s still only 335…

You should throw all these data points into a spreadsheet.

And I’ve made gems outside of publicly selling accents. Through commissions and gameplay. My lifetime revenue should be way more than 400. Where did I spend it…

I already have

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Oh wait you mean the May Flight Rising Net Worth Sheet. That actually sounds like fun. I should appraise every item I own

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its ok you also have your spreadsheet abd also thom yorke
if you get thom yorke im happy for you

Flight Rising is just economy simulator and I love it so much

You can get a Flight Rising job doing competitive Flight Rising accounting for your flight. I have one. My job is kind of bullshit but I have it

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The people with non-bullshit jobs do fundraising and financial projections and stuff it’s awesome. I’d post it here but it’s supposed to be private and I’d probably get in milf trouble for leaking it

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milf trouble


Is there a problem.

i would make a joke about how milf trouble is a good problem to have but i have a slight amount of dignity i’d like to preserve


Lame. I’ve let it all go. Now I misspell mild as milf on purpose every time I type it


check discord

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They had to ban the word GILF and all such ILFs on Flight Rising


This is because they gave one of the NPCs an art update and people kept describing him as “yassified” and a “GILF”



They gave one of the NPCs an art update and people kept describing him as yassified and a GILF

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