Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Tho I think slickshot showoff pushed red a lot

So the lifegain is probably not good enough in that particular matchup

nya nya nya nya nya nya

I play Esper Midrange because I am a sucker for 3 color midrange piles that play efficient creatures and disruption. Duelist of the Mind + Raffine is disgusting btw


Oh no

You’re the exact kind of player i hate playing against

Im sorry but youre univited from my birthday party

every walpurgisnacht i wake up and watch as the identities and egos are even more busted than the last and regret (both) was already completely unhinged

he is the only character in the entire game to possess a 40 roll on his defense skill and the second to possess a 40 roll on his s3

The best piece of literature I could read

Wow that is an insane combo

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What is a cookie and why do i really want one no matter what.

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Top 3 most awkward scenarios:

  1. holiday family gatherings


Number 1 is sitting directly next to a stranger on the bus because there were no other seats.


Thats not awkward at all unless ur a mega giga nerdie squishie trivia champion know-it-all named Eugene

I bet ur name is Eugene thats as nerdy as it gets

U don’t need to talk to strangers in the bus but u need to talk at family gatherings

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The only “Eugene” I know was the swashbuckling rogue from Tangled who managed to climb a whole tower by himself and survived a fifty meter hurtling free fall, so that’s about as far opposite from nerdy as you can get. Your guess is cold.

Family gatherings are less awkward because you know everyone else there is just as bored as you are, and darting off into a corner to read alone is generally acceptable.


… Your list has only 1 entry.

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  1. Having to explain what the Harry Peter movies are to people who don’t know about them.
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nah that’s just normal

awkward is when you’re alone on a bus and then one person gets on and, of all the empty seats available, chooses to sit next to you

harry peter
