Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


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i love one-shotting enemies

this came about from me making a barb subclass that was dark souls related and thinking Wow this is kinda cooking this should be a full class

here it is below

Your save DC is equal to 8 + your STR or CON modifier (whichever is higher)

[yeah idk the name yet]
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your body begins to reflect a ceaseless stamina reminiscent of the never-fading sun. You gain proficiency with Heavy Armor. You may wear Heavy Armor without your rage ending prematurely.

Cascading Flare (also at level 3)
When you rage, you gain 10 Flare charges until the end of your rage. At the end of each of your turns, you expend 1 Flare charge. During your turn, you may expend Flare charges to perform one of the following effects:

  • Sun Strike. After you hit an enemy with a weapon attack or unarmed strike, expend 2 Flare charges to deal 1d6 + half your Barbarian level in Radiant or Lightning damage to the same target. You may only use this once each round.
  • Coronal Wind. As a bonus action, expend 1 Flare charge to make an attack roll against all creatures within 10 feet of you. If your roll beats their Armor Class, move them to any open space within 20 feet of you that maintains the same elevation they were at the beginning of this action. Creatures who are Large or greater can only be moved to spaces within 10 feet of you.
  • Spear of Light. As an action, expend 6 Flare charges to conjure and throw a crackling Javelin of Blinding Heat, forming a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature within the radius must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 Fire damage. They take half on a successful saving throw. Using this feature counts as attacking a hostile creature for the purposes of your Rage not ending.

Warmth of the Soul
Starting at 6th level, you gain resistance to Radiant damage. When you rage, you choose to gain resistance to either Lightning or Fire damage until the end of your rage.

Great Spear of Light (also at 6th)
Your Spear of Light is empowered. When you use Spear of Light, you add a number of d6s of Lightning Damage equal to half your Barbarian level.
(mathematically, this isn’t particularly crazy. If you want it moved back I wouldn’t begrudge you though)

[yeah idk the name yet 2]
Starting at 10th level, [something flavor]. When you rage, you gain 5 additional Flare charges.

[yeah idk the name yet 3]
Starting at 14th level, [something flavor]. You may use Sun Strike as many times as you wish per round. Once each round, when you deal damage to a hostile creature, you may mark it until the end of its next turn. If it is alive and does not attack you before the mark ends, you regain any Flare charges you expended that turn.

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hole e shit

I theoried that a bit and didn’t think it was particularly crazy

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it probably isn’t

oh wait it doesnt even do damage lmao

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It’s a bonus action so it can’t come down on the turn you rage since that’s also a bonus action

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i might be stupid and thought it counted as a normal attack

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you can

attack and sun strike (2)
pass (1)

next turn

coronal wind (1) to line up some enemies
spear of light (6)

which is 10 but I didn’t think that was too crazy since there’s a lot of ifs on that working

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the damage is = zealot if you’re just using sun strike but you only get it for 3 turns max so skill issue

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For Shaman, I’d be thinking something like

d10 hit die
up through medium armor (maybe shields? idk definitely not heavy armor)
simple weapons

level trance total trance charges hex strength feature
1 2 yeah idk - Battle Trance, Ancestral Communion
2 2 yeah idk lesser Hex
3 2 yeah idk lesser Shamanistic Tradition
5 3 yeah idk lesser extra attack

idk where to go from there because Effort

Battle Trance comes with built in options for moves
is restored on a short rest
and prevents casting or concentration during its duration


wheres the neither option


I put in extra attack into the base class rather than a subclass since like
I don’t think there’s that much design space for hexes unless you’re willing to say “yeah, I set my fuckin weapon on fire” is a valid option

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also for trance attacking options


for hex strength

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you would probably get new trance options as you level in both base class and your subclass

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my biggest issue with spellstrike is that it is very strong early game and then becomes very shit later

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kp wtf is dis