Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

They’re marked NSFW so people can post R rated/NC-17 stuff (like memes) or they’re channels where pictures of vocal anatomy are posted (like someone’s vocal folds while speaking). The latter is NSFW because some people don’t want to see it, and also I think it’s because Discord was falsely detecting it as NSFW content and bitching about it.

ah yeah

that makes sense

There are private lessons if you’re able to pay for them.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

I get anxiety thinking about all the things I want to work on

I’ll pay for a private lesson for the first one of you nerds that’s actually signs up for one with Selene. Just lmk ahead of time so I can work out payment with her.

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who the hell is sleene

i am so good at typing

the primary teacher

i see

i probably should actually like. try
but i am still very anxious about it. parents moment

I don’t know if it helps, but I’m definitely going to try. I get super anxious about it as well, but I know I’d be happier on the other side of this

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I kept putting off things I wanted to do and knew I’d be happy doing them but kept giving myself excuses.

a close friend made me go shopping with her and do a bunch of things that I told myself I wouldn’t until I had lost all the weight I wanted to

Still haven’t starved myself long enough yet, but it was a lot of fun

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i need someone to take me to a hot topic


I can’t drive, but good luck

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I get u gang


no one is prepared for me to start my goth girl arc


Yall are kind and supportive here, it sometimes returns my faith in humanity