Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

yeah I mean if some random new account shows up and starts, idk, spamming racial slurs, that’s different from if you just independently are like “well Story seems to me to be breaking the rules, bye Story”



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I should have admin powers I would use them responsibly

well I did just suspend chloe so at this point none of you are safe :slight_smile:


even if u had the most powers we’d still all make fun of you and you wouldn’t do anything about it other than cry in all caps

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i was supposed to go to bed an hour ago i dont think my strange opinions on empathy are wanted enough for me to try and hold cookie conversation and not go to bed

i say theyre not real as in. its not the way we define it as btw


Go to sleep nya don’t be like me

What are your strange opinions? Like empathy doesnt exist?

but ur softwr than bed. ur like one hundred pillows

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Sleeping on someone else is still sleeping

i was gonna say shes more like skin and bones only but her bones are made of rubber actually so maybe

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I’ll have you knkw I’ve never broken a bone

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And I loved jumping off things as a kid. And getting stuck in trews


no wonder sillyhead ur bones just bounce off like trampoline :blush:

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I feel like most people haven’t

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lesbianism makes all skin and bones feel like pillows. and may has at least 100 bones


although I guess I’m pretty sure I fractured a rib at one point (never got an Xray because literally why bother lel so I’m not sure) so depending on whether or not you count that

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the middle joint in my right index finger got broken while playing football, i can close that finger only about 80% of the way

when i was 3 my dad slipped on the ice while carrying me on his back and i broke my arm but i have no memories of that

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I cracked my skull when i was a few months old, that was fun

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