Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I have no idea what that means, this convo just feels to me like it’s going in circles at this point lel

Oh wait this looks bad out of context. I mod a Flight Rising server and whenever somebody is causing problems and we’ve already moderated them we send a mod in to go talk about something lighthearted to take the chat’s mind off of it. Like an XXX G1 dragon just hatching (XXX menas all the colours are the same) (this is an exciting event in Flight Rising)

which granted maybe is par for the course around here idk

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bro im not a mod

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Yeah but anybody can do it

you can literally ban people you are in a power position you are in all but name a mod

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arent u supposed to hit it on the side

i open all my jars either by hitting them, like the cap part. the side of the cap part. hit it against a hard surface multiple times from all angles and then it opens

unless its an older type of cap. in that case use the back of a knife to pry it open. is how i learnt

It’s just my generic term for somebody changing the subject on purpose now

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conversely maybe I just think it would be more interesting if the conversation was talking about something more interesting :P

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Sometimes random people will go do an XXX G1 for us and we’ll be like thank fucking god you are a saint

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i thought may was supposed to be the unempathetic one


I don’t know what you’re talking about so I’m going to choose to assume the ‘XXX’ means beer as opposed to the alternative.


This is the most interesting thing in the world to me

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if I do the mods all get really upset at me for overstepping my bounds

frankly if I did want to be a mod I could probably get there if I asked hard enough but I’m fine with this status quo

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proving my point exactly :P

i dont think empathy is real actually

im ngl I’m pretty sure something along those lines has to be because I fucking suck at that shit lol

Anyway I have in fact said what I wanted to and changing the subject is fine. Apologies for being snippy about it, I’ve had Bad Experiences re: people changing the subjevt on me on purpose latwly so I’m waaaay too sensitive to it

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Apathy is realer

all g lel, not trying to force anything I’m just personally over it lel