Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

And it takes way longer and it sucks

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how actually does blood… be thick thbthtbhtbhtbthb
what’s in it that makes it thicker than normal

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maybe if you ate more than once a day it would loosen up

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Blood in isolation is fine, but like gore is not it


I honestly have no clue. They told me to drink more water but I drank an insane amount of water beforehand to help and it did nothing


I don’t like vaccines/getting blood drawn because I don’t like the idea of a needle being Inside of me. Like it’s conceptually uncomfortable rather htan painful or frightening. But I’m fine so long as I focus specifically on the sensation of pain (which is fine) or the visual of blood (which is fine) rather than the visual of the needle



As an empath seeing this makes me very upset please delete it


I can feel the wiring’s pain

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have been like this since a child and before I did that

i’m fine with needles but someone in my family donates plasma and i am NOT okay with that shit

They legit pull out a bigger needle when drawing my blood and its still slow

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seeing other peoples blood doesnt bother me, just mine specifically. im too precious to be hurt :sob:

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with plasma they’ve got a way bigger needle that you can really feel digging around in your skin

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I used to dislike that stuff but then I went for allergy shots and had to get them like weekly

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Of course you’d have an allergy. Checks out


also they like
seperate the plasma and put it back

oh I have food allergies too, but that was for pollen :joy_cat:


just keep the blood you’ve already gone through the effort to take it out

I used to have to get blood drawn quite frequently when they were still figuring out what’s wrong with me but now they know so

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