Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

youtube thumbnails are so fucking funny
hes not a color mutation and his is alot worse (his crest is a little wonky as a result) but its around there

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Yeah that sounds like modern media

“If it isn’t in the papers it never happened” etc etc etc

xD I can invite grrrrrr here, he’s also Bulgarian but retired from mafia, I wish he played again sigh

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oh my god yurkin is bulgarian? fucked up


They absolutely mischaracterised the bill. People were also trying to claim that the bill criminalised misogyny but not misandry.
It’s because foreign news agencies caught wind on it so they could use it to push the angle that “the world is going woke” to scare more right wingers into voting against the ‘woke lefties’ who are ‘taking over the world’


The WOKE MOB is taking away my DAMN GENDER

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when i see people i met in tos i dont know if i should say anything or just pretend like i was never there


I had someone arguing with me that the bill is “vague” because it uses the reasonable person concept.
It’s like, surely some people would have common sense to not attack a legal concept that has been around for centuries and is ingrained in multiple areas of the law including criminal and delict/tort/civil wrong law


I wish one day to work like 1 month in a restaurant to see how the experience is.

How is your job? So you’re pretty much the all-star employee with what tasks you have to do, I hope your patron ain’t greedy with your salary

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Must have been used in billions of pounds worth of cases
Only suddenly become a problem because of ‘the woke lefties’


Me when all of these laws are wrong laws



Oh, I forget that several news outlet from UK kinda lie about stuff

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You millennial leftists who never lived ONR DAY under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky

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Yes, they can reflect upon me, though I am not woke I am getting kind of sleepy zzzzz

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It’s like… what’s next?? Are they going to argue that the concept of a duty of care is illiberal and against their rights? :roll_eyes:

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Oh I’ve heard from somewhere that US policemen are not obligated to protect civilians

I might have been lied to by the video claiming that though, I think it was LegalEagle where I got that from

We discussed this earlier in cookie thread.

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