Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I am from Easter Europe too by the way

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By any chance would you be a rare belarussian

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J.K. Rowling moment


Wait I can’t read


She is so iconic for all the wrong reasons


Is it to say that you are not from Easter Europe and that you’re from Christmas Europe instead

She lives in Scotland. That’s a bonus.


: 3 no I’m rare Bulgarian

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I literally couldn’t have put this into words better than this

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Since when tutu appeared I feel the site is suddenly getting populated with more bulgarians

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Hello rare Bulgarian, is it lovely where you live? You go to uni?

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Iâ Tutu also from Bulgaria ?

Fortunately or unfortunately, yes

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hes not bald bald. like i said its covered by the floomf. but hes missing alot of feathers on the back of his head. always has. came from a rescue place so presumably his last owner didnt give him room to hang out

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She really wants to be a martyr for the WRONG CAUSE huh

Yeah it’s quite nice small rural city. No I don’t study, I work in local restaurants as an odd job, cook clean and so on

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The media just straight up lied about the what the bill did which is part of the problem. Like it was often said it made misgendering illegal which wasn’t true. All it did IIRC was expand existing hate crime laws to include trans people as a protected class i.e. the same behavior that was already a hate crime for other protected classes would now be a hate crime if you did it targeting trans people. I could be wrong, but that was my understanding.

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My sister (very big fan of Harry Potter) told me that “Rowling just believes in women’s rights” and I was like