Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

still an academic weapon despite kinda falling apart recently. kinda nice to prove to myself I can still succeed academically even when my mental isn’t that good

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i just got a 33/50 on a math assignment i’m glad your math career is going swimmingly

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One day I wanna see how long of a nya chain I can get going, without being half of all the nyas because it would be very easy for me to half of them

But its gotta be organic, not a “hey lets make a nya chain” kind of thing

(My meta-commentary is the death of humor)

I guaruntee if you were taking Math 202 - Calculus for Business and Economics at the renowned Washington State University, you too could get 85 on exams.

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i would probably be the mfer who only shows up on exam days and aces them because the class itself is just too boring

this is also me, except i show up on exam and quiz days because quizzes are like 1/4 of the grade

i will bark before it gets to 5


i am not going until my final exam tho because we drop the lowest 3 quizzes and my quiz average is like 96 rn with only 2 quizzes left

yurkin why you do this to me … :expressionless:

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bloody serial killer wizard

coulda gone with anything here to combo break, but you chose bark, huh

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of course
what better way is there to destroy a chain made by catpeople

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Dogboy moment

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we both know you know what you’re doing and frankly i approve.


I don’t know what you’re implying but I do approve anyways

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ends justify the means

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on that note maybe the mods had a good idea with the whole april fools thing

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that was literally Blue's Clues