Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

I meant whyyyyyy were u such a little biiiiitchhhh?


Sorry for broken english when were you when club penguin is kil

Generally if I am tearing up I just go to the bathroom.

I did not cry this year, I promise

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You say this when you just told us about your crybaby experience

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i haven’t cried in like a month which is a new record


Why have you been sad, mister arcy

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Awwwww smol baby

Give extra hugs to mister barky, it will lighten his day

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content warning: suicide

The last time I cried was when I found out someone from school had died. I was not really “friends” with this person - they were more tangentially in friend group and I wasn’t close with them. They weren’t at the school for very long and I never kept in touch with them. I think I saw them once after they went to a different school which was probably around like… 6 years ago maybe

But the part that got to me was they clearly left school because they were being bullied (by people we weren’t friends with) and they weren’t close with like… anyone, really. And I did basically nothing to stop it and didn’t really go out of my way to be tight with him. This was made worse by the fact our group very clearly had a social hierarchy and this guy was at the bottom because he was seen as pretty weird, so by extension people didn’t really want to associate with him. So he ended up changing schools, I saw him once after that and then the next thing I knew was a friend who was still in contact with him telling me he died, and straight away I started thinking about how no one, including me, did anything to help this guy, and if anything were pushing him away. And my mom told me after talking with other kids parents that a bunch of different parties including his university wellbeing team did nothing for him either. I don’t know any more details other than that he was struggling with mental health and my suspicion is that things never changed from when he was at our school

This person was not part of my life for the bigger part of a decade but I felt wracked with guilt because I didn’t make an effort to be close with him at school, and I didn’t keep in contact with him either. And I feel like if I or anyone else did then maybe things would have been different. His parents were some of the nicest people I’ve ever met and they had no other kids

so that was the last time i cried, about a month ago now


I also realized that I have been making very little effort to stay in touch with people who I was closer with in school and this prompted me to reach out over easter break


I don’t know if I have room to say this and neither I know how to perfectly say here.

You couldn’t have known that he was going through that stuff
It is truly absolutely heartbreaking that as you’ve said nobody did anything
My headteacher had experienced first-hand these kind of stories and she was always warning us about how to treat others because of it
On this world, if you do not have friends you will start to feel lonely and something pathological can always happen here out of desperation
Though you can’t always want to interact with other people (this includes the loners themselves too), I think that others just assume that if somebody is a loner that they prefer to be left in peace, but that shouldn’t stop somebody from doing basic courtesy and maybe even a friendly hi.
I think people habitually don’t want to interact with people that they don’t fully know from instinct, it’s simply that they don’t want to mess something up.
I really don’t know if he really kept all this to himself, people can really hide alot of things about themselves if they try, you can’t really know for certain. If he had somebody to trust completely without judgement, he would have opened up.

I am not sure if this is premeditated or a crisis-in-the-moment.

People with these sorts of things are complex and you’re definitely not a mindreader, you’re not guilty of anything, if you have known then I’m sure you would have done something. I know it seems evident now because he was practically an outcast and bullied, but still, nobody knew in the first place.

You are really sweet Arctic
Stay strong.


My understanding is that he didn’t keep it to himself and he had counseling + “support” from the university. I don’t think anyone knew except his parents and these people

I know that in the bigger picture this isn’t my fault, but I have a bad habit of assuming responsibility when it comes to inaction. I tend to envision lots of different outcomes in my mind thinking “if I did X differently then Y would have happened or Z wouldn’t have happened” and it’s hard to put my mind off of it. I recognize this is not a rational response because you can’t change the past, but being aware of this doesn’t stop it happening


Your mind does things from habit, the way you think or choose to think will start to happen automatically. A technique here is to stop the thought, even if it constantly happens.

And as always remember, thoughts =/= you as a person. You do not choose your thoughts, they’re automatic.


goog mornin :>




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y’all I got court tmrw ;-;


For what

my mom, shes a bum bum and wants visitation rights -___-


Oh damn. That’s rough. Hope it’s get over with quickly


yep, I’d be surprised if I don’t curse her out actually… but I’ll try ^p^