Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Oh gosh

Oh gosh


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Tutu what happened to you!

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It was I, WOlf!


The ultimate betrayal.

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Isnā€™t this awfully resemblant of another group we both know of?


Sick friend just sent me this pic she took on her Canon

I swear im done eclipseposting now


dont stop eclipse posting it was so cool



WWOOOOOOWWWWWW :0 we only got 75% covered in AL ;m;



most kindest org message encounter

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Thatā€™s so funny that they have so little friends they need to make it seem like itā€™s an honour to be allowed into their garbage group

Winton Overwaaaah >>>>>> their shitty org


Wtf??? Is that you they were a jerk to?
Iā€™ll throw some hands


You have a good heart. And youā€™re right, itā€™s not your fault. Itā€™s not being fair to think you could help this person better than trained professionals could and the trained professionals failed. I say this as someone who would almost definitely feel the same way you are now, and as someone who has tried to help people in pain before. We have to accept that thereā€™s a limit to what we can do and what was reasonable for us to do, ya know?

Jenna and I had a close friend who developed an eating disorder while we were friends with her. She came to visit us for 5 days, and had, like, 300 calories or something. We had no idea it was that bad, and at every opportunity we made it clear that she could eat whatever we wanted and tried to gently encourage it. Ultimately we got her to eat some soup broth and a granola bar, and that was it. So fast forward a few weeks and sheā€™s still not really eating. Itā€™s still hundreds of calories per week. And this whole time Iā€™m begging her to please go see a counselor about it at her university. She finally does and talks about beginning to refeed (like gradually increasing calorie intake which is necessary to not get sick at this point), and Iā€™m just so, so relieved.

And then like two weeks later she tells us that she stopped, and just isnā€™t eating again. Iā€™m just kinda crushed by this. I feel impotent and completely helpless as sheā€™s sending message after message telling us, telling me that itā€™s nothing we did, itā€™s not my fault, and this is something she feels like she had to do. This is the same girl that talked about killing herself repeatedly, and talking to her has the same feeling where she just argues with me on everything and concedes nothing and insists that this stupid fucking thing sheā€™s doing is the best thing. I apologized but told her I wasnā€™t going to watch her kill herself, and left the server we all shared after talking with Jenna about it because I was distraught. Even after I left I just laid down in bed and cried for a few hours.

Jenna then stepped in and started being the one that was more proactive about checking in with her because I wasnā€™t there. Just like before, nothing she said stopped this girl from continuing to starve herself. It was like weeks more until she decided that she didnā€™t want to die this way. When she went to see a doctor, the doctor told her that they recommended she go to the hospital for refeeding because of how close she was to death and that her situation was so precarious that she should remain hospitalized for a long enough stretch of time that sheā€™d need to drop out for the semester. This girl is a college student only in school because she has a full ride, and cannot afford a prolonged hospital stay (thanks US healthcare system, very fucking cool) and doesnā€™t want to drop out, so she proceeds to undertake the high risk refeeding process herself. This was months ago, and sheā€™s still alive. As far as I know sheā€™s doing better now, but I havenā€™t talked to her again (Jenna has).

If she had died, I think I would have gone through the same arc you did and beat myself up for leaving and cried, but fuck I donā€™t know what else I could have done. I canā€™t force feed her, she didnā€™t eat when we were in person encouraging her to and paying for everything, she didnā€™t eat when a doctor told her to, and she didnā€™t eat despite knowing it was killing her. Really there was just nothing I could have done beyond what I did which was get her to see a professional and that wasnā€™t enough. I guess Iā€™m saying all this to get across that even if you had done something it may not have mattered. We always like to think that if only we were there, it wouldā€™ve been different, but neither of us are superheros. We cannot possibly bear the weight of every tragedy weā€™re adjacent to because itā€™s just too much. That constantly being the one who takes in someone elseā€™s pain, and tells them to survive anyway eats away at you piece by piece until they you once again say that the pain is too much and you donā€™t know if you can carry any more of it for them. Some days I have my own pain to worry about, ya know?

Iā€™m rambling and Iā€™ve been rambling, but yeah. I feel this and itā€™s not your fault. Itā€™s not your fault if you try and fail, and itā€™s not your fault if you donā€™t try at all because youā€™re just a guy. Do your best, but if youā€™re not actively making things worse, itā€™s not on you. We canā€™t save everyone and weā€™ll destroy ourselves if we try.

