When I can’t remember something i either dig for forever until i find it or i get frustrated after 2 minutes and stare at a wall trying to sort through my memories
This moment was the latter
When I can’t remember something i either dig for forever until i find it or i get frustrated after 2 minutes and stare at a wall trying to sort through my memories
This moment was the latter
what if I need 10
I’m glad you got your answer though :)
I have never seen this game before in my life
Jenna is younger than me, technically a zoomer, but also older than everyone except like Katze or some of the other boomers
Although I think she’s a m*llennial depending on who you ask
She’s older than me so she’s a boomer
That’s how it works ldo
(I don’t actually know if she’s older than me but i assume so)
Boomers 1946-1964.
Gen X 1965-1980.
Millennials are 1981-1996.
Gen Z is 1997-2012.
Did I get it right?
Aren’t you Gen Z?
Chloe is older than me (probably idk) so they’re a boomer
According to that i am indeed yes
I was born in 2012
How the fuck are people born in 2012 nearly teenagers. That is not okay.
That was like 3 years ago
yeah she’s a zoomer but it’s close.
I remember 9/11 and how weird that day was in elementary school, and it hit me a few years ago that that date could fucking drink now. Insane.
i was born after 9/11 and i’ll be able to drink somewhat soon
You have old man energy I’m sorry
well i probably am older than the average fol user
but yeah i’m only 20. for now
I remember the day pope john paul II died because it was on the news and my mom and aunt were talking about it
I didnt know what a pope was i thought he was the president of italy