Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

You know what, fair

We only remember the tragedies, huh.

Survivor instinct…

Oh i also remember michael jackson’s death
Rly sad day
I lost my soccer game


I remember genuinely no political events from when I was a kid. Somebody mentioned Obama once when I was around seven. That’s about it

I estimated “around seven” just off the vibe but that would’ve been 2012. Yeah sounds right

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my parents told me about michael jackson’s death when we were on some trip. i don’t think i had any idea what they were talking about

i have no idea why i remember that. i was like 6

Back in the day I genuienly thought that yolo meant you once love obama because I googled it


Back in the day I pronounced ‘w’ as “dubba-you”
I still do this

I pronounce it in my head as “wuh”

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NSFW is “en-ess-eff-wuh”

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turn down for wuh

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I do the same thing, yep.
Take that as validation or incrimination, your pick.

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The fuck are you all doing? Saying three syllables in your mind every time you see a W in an acronym? When I’m speaking aloud I’ll spell it out because that’s the social convention but we all know the social convention is bullshit right

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do that many acronyms have w tho
and of those that do, how many don’t just get turned into words

And what? Make my sub vocalizations sound insane?